"I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision." Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The L Word

I watched MANY consecutive episodes of the L word yesterday. The 4th season is approaching in January and it is available on demand right now. (on Showtime)

If you need a brief recap I am your girl.

Can I begin by saying this is absolutely the best Soap Opera.


I hated Bette, but now I love her. She likes to scream a lot. Plus, Flashdance was my favorite movie for like ever.
Shane is HOT! Probably because she is damaged.
Dana Fairbanks is pretty lame, but after season 3 she grows on you.
I can not stand Jenny. Self-obsession gets even worse as the series progresses.
Tina is so uneventful. She manages to even make child-birth boring.
Alice is Alice. Her name should be Magda or something... but Alice is interesting.
Mirina is a terrible human. She phases out.
Kit is a diva.
The absolutely hottest one is Carmen. I mean really, Carmen. She's a Mexican-American hotty who is also a DJ with a kickass tatoo.

I have to say that the writing isn't the most intelligent but they do handle a lot of gender-specific issues, art vs. god, and other social justice issues. All in what I can tell is six blocks of West Hollywood.

This being the glutonous weekend that it is - I suggest watching the entire first season. There is always next weekend for season two.

1 comment:

Nik said...

I can't wait to become one with your couch over break. Though we watched house tonight and if what they were going to do the surgery they planned to do (quiet for spoilers), we vowed never to watch again.

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