"I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision." Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Speaking of change...

I have a new boss who asks me how my weekend was and I genuinely believe he wants to know the answer.

I made a new friend, her name is Hazel and she makes me laugh.

I am a negotiator not a liar.

I painted my bathrooms (finally). They are sort of a brown color now.

I put a for sale sign up on my house.

My new job is fun, everyone helps each other out, I am happier.

Things that have stayed the same:
I still don't know how to find socks, matching or otherwise.
I still hate working out.
My car is dirty.
I lose my phone almost everyday.
My boyfriend, KJ, still loves me.


Nik said...

And you did change your blog! See change is everywhere!

Dr. Write said...

Congrats on the change. You need to come to yoga!! This week!!

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