"I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision." Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, November 04, 2007

The Paris - a real double date

1 French 75 (champagne, vodka, lemon)
Beet Salad
Seared Duck Breast with Potato Gratin and watercress

1 bottle of italian lager
The Paris Cheeseburger with Pommes Frites

1 Martini shaken with olives
Soup d'jour - butternut squash topped with carmelized apples and toasted pumpkin seeds
Rack of Lamb

1 French 75
Beet Salad
Roasted Chicken

For dinner we shared a nice Silver Oak Cabernet.

All and all a successful date night, sans otterbutt, it as always was amazing service and the food was delicious. There should be more words, but delicious will do.

AND, before the Paris we played the trivia game at 7EO and husband beat me every time! Service was terrible (what can you expect on a Saturday at 5?) and a green street gnat was in my wine.


Nik said...

Who was the double with? I'm so jealous!
But, now you'll pay:
Tagged! Now you are tagged to post 7 facts about yourself and then tag 7 more people in the comment section of those people's blogs.

chancelot said...

The 7eo is closed for 15 days. I am, not just for story-telling purposes, distraught. God hates me.

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