"I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision." Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, September 29, 2008

Oops I did it again.

I really didn't mean to.

I mean it! I said for three weeks, No. No way. Maybe for your birthday. Maybe in these dark times we need to save all of our love in our hearts for our current loves.

My son, who was brilliant only 2 weeks ago, has now bugged me enough - beaten us down actually. MADE us fall in love with the small runt of a kitten that he watched be born.

Yes I CAVED. CAVED. I'm not proud of it. But if you look at this little face, and this little boy who asked for 8 days and nights STRAIGHT - PLEASSSSEEEEEE can we have a kitten. A gray and white kitten? A cute little kitten who is alone in this world because all of his brothers and sisters perished?

This is why after two trips to Pet Smart yesterday, two phone calls to vets, two appointments made and $146, I had to make an emergency stop after 7pm at Albertsons getting kitten supplies.

I fully understand my mistake.


P said...

OMG! I really do think the kittens name is mud HA HA HA. But my suggestions to date are
Gandolf the grey and white
Grey goose.
Grey's anatomy.
I'll stop

Nik said...

Gandolf the gray is pretty good.
P is pretty good at these naming things--especially as they pertain to series based cinema.
Perhaps we could each use a vacuum for each floor if we're going to keep up this adoption plan.

Valerie said...

I know. but rusty is sticking. So Sad!

Dr Write said...

Sometimes they are just too cute (kids and kittens). Aww! Congrats. And at least you didn't get a dog...that needs constant exercise, attention, and food.

Logical Libby said...

Sucker. I would have done the same thing though...

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