"I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision." Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, November 12, 2006

NEA Grant

My brilliant sister was awarded with the most prestigious award an artist can achieve. She was given an NEA grant. It is not about the amount of the award, the value it gives her resume or the bragging rights, it's about how I need to see her face, laugh with her and make rack of lamb with her.

We have never been good at success, we all have had our moments of self-fulfilled delusions of failure.

When good things happen we all have a moment where we draw in our breath and wait until something bad happens to counter it.

So instead of listening to her say it wasn't that big of a deal, that it was just there. Instead of just saying oh, I wish I could see you. I dropped my life (kind of happily) and flew to stupid michigan.

I took 3 airplanes and 24 hours later I was in her house, with her, the husband, and the z.

I admittedly was extremely irresponsible. But in the shadows (aka hangover) of this decision I am ready to admit that it was sheer admiration and wanton greed that made me fly all the way across the country (and half-way back) to see her new house, her big beautiful baby and the boy (he hates it when I call him that)

She still won't talk to me about it. She won't even admit that it happened. She won't accept that it is a success - just barely tolerable. She just went to Costco and Shake and Steak with me in Stupid Michigan and we are here.

Whole (except for all those that aren't here) and watching Star Wars.

1 comment:

Nik said...

Thanks for being my impetuous, wild, energetic, reasons-not-to-be-damned, caring, proud, busy, and giving and giving and giving sister.

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